
Champion Child

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What do I look for in a potential Championchild? Not alot!

Ok, so what do I look for in any junior or youth that wants to become a champion? and then the next question is do they have what it takes to go all the way to the top of the sport. What I do want to make clear is when you find someone that can be a Championchild then we get great fulfillment and joy from sport is what us as coaches coach for. Pure talent both physical and psychological is a due to watch.

I have to say this is not just becoming a National Champion but someone who will be a world beater as a senior (adult). That is what a championshild is trained for and what we as coaches look for. The one boy or girl that can go all the way and this can be seen early on in their competitive career.

There are some very key parts to what makes a potentially successful athlete and this is not the amount of hours of training. I have seen many so called aspiring athletes train hour after hour and improve at such a slow rate that the improvement does not warrant the perspiration in training.

I have listed the main parts of the puzzle that we want to see;

1) A need to want to win when competing even if they lose which they will. Do they have skill in that sport or technique which gives them ability to naturally win over others. This is not something that has been drilled and drilled by a coach. It's too early at this stage. I want to see the natural part of their character and physical ability.

Think about an aspiring mathematical genius, they will show an understanding that only the true genius possess. You may be able to get a A-level 'A' but you will probably never be the next mathematic field medalist.

2) They train with an intensity even if in bouts during a session. Intensity is the name of the game. I see many athletes look like they are sleep walking through a session and some of these are the best England can produce. Remember that we are thinking about every Russian, American, Middle Eastern boy or girl training at that very moment. Believe me they won't be training like that and they are our future opposition.

3) Can they listen and respond to your commands with a level of respect. Ego is fine and good but not so much they have lost the ability to be humble in their learning. If they lose this or never have it they will never make it because their are plenty of athletes that have physical and mental strengths but follow instructions and carrying out game plans is what wins games, matches, competitions and bouts.

We are training for the best where being clinical and decisive is the only way to win the BIG ones! The big ones are the World, Olympic and Professional championships. Even though seconds and thirds are great, we have to want to win and the campaign starts at a early age.

4) Have a co-ordination, balance and body awareness for their particular sport. There are certain parts of this that carry across but their will be certain moves, rhythms, tempo's and footwork parts that make for someone to stand out there sport. Yes, you can do talent ID which have generic criteria across sports but a great coach will know exactly what they are looking for and I can tell you that this is very rare. Again, I emphasis we are looking for the 'one' and many that will bring in the bronzes and maybe silvers.

I will use tennis to emphasis this point as may people will follow or of heard about these athletes due to the media giant tennis is.

Roger Federer - 16 Grandslam championships

Rafal Nadal - 10 Grandslam Championships

Tim Henman - O Grandslam Championships

Andy Murry - O Grandslam Championships

We are looking for the first two with many of the second 'two'. As a coach especially of a country we want at least one great champion and many World top ranker's like Andy Murry and Tim Henman. Remember there is a difference between the two 16 v's 0 is a big difference and the great versus the good makes a difference in any championship table you choose to look at any Olympic or World Championships. For most sports the medal table of each country is decided by gold medals so 4 Golds is more important for ranking than 6 silver 4 bronze. Yes, spread is good but only in development. The Gold's are the deciding factor and the one's we want and need.

The most absurd place you can see this is National Football and England. Never have I seen such mediocrity accepted. Both in the acceptance of qualifying and then a good championships accepted by the national body if a Quarter final is reached. Decade after decade!

Anyway back to the Championchild.

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How do you help your child win

This is not for the recreational parent or child

'What is a championchild?' The question may not always be phrased like this and sometimes champion may not even be in it but once you get to a certain stage in any competitive sport then this is 99% of the time what the parent is asking for.

This is not a book for school sports or playing at the park or recreation ground for fun and enjoyment for the taking part. I wrote ‘Championchild’ for the parent! Not the coach or athlete (even though they may find it helpful) but for the parent who if helped and supported can be a missing link.

Now, I am not asking you to become their new coach or take over roles of trainer and psychologist but what Championchild will help you do is give your child a clear path to success in their sport, allow you to make the right decisions for them, assist in feeding them the right information in their mind programming and understand how to deal with the competitive results.

The last point is probably one of the most difficult for all parents as with many aspects of helping your child in the sporting environment nobody shows you how so it becomes a mixture of experience (normally in other area of life) and guessing.

Now if I said you had to build and run a multi-national company from scratch with no experience you would think I am crazy or asking far too much with out any road map. Well, this is what many parents are asked to do.

Be lucky in finding a good coach, lucky to choose the right sport, comments which you may have seen other parents or coaches do and you find yourself copying their actions.



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